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> >I'm trying to link the lua.lib file found at the above URL using the free
> >Boarland Command Line Compiler version 5.5.

> >A example bcc makefile, or makefile for bcc that builds lua.lib, is what
> >I'm hoping for.
>    This is the one we use to build that library.

Attached are two makefiles that use the native Borland BCC5.5 command line 
tools/make program to build lua.lib and lualib.lib.

I hope they can be added to the official distrubtion to save the next person 
the hassle I had comming up with them, please.

# BCC55 makefile for Lua core library


# Automatically check for header dependencies:

.suffixes: .asm .c .cpp

	bcc32 $(CPPFLAGS) -c {$< }

	bcc32 $(CPPFLAGS) -c {$< }

	lapi.obj \
	lcode.obj \
	ldebug.obj \
	ldo.obj \
	lfunc.obj \
	lgc.obj \
	llex.obj \
	lmem.obj \
	lobject.obj \
	lparser.obj \
	lstate.obj \
	lstring.obj \
	ltable.obj \
	ltests.obj \
	ltm.obj \
	lundump.obj \
	lvm.obj \

# Save target(s) even if the build fails, don't delete all because of one bad:
.precious: $(OBJS)

lua.lib: $(OBJS)
	 @del lua.lib	 
	 @del lua.rsp
	 &echo +$** &>>lua.rsp
	 tlib /C lua.lib @lua.rsp,lualib.lst

# Implicit rule to build all .obj files:

      @del *.obj
      @del *.rsp
      @del *.lst
# BCC55 makefile for Lua library


# Automatically check for header dependencies:

.suffixes: .asm .c .cpp

       bcc32 $(CPPFLAGS) -c {$< }

	bcc32 $(CPPFLAGS) -c {$< }

	lauxlib.obj \
	lbaselib.obj \
	ldblib.obj \
	liolib.obj \
	lmathlib.obj \

# Save target(s) even if the build fails, don't delete all because of one bad:
.precious: $(OBJS)

lualib.lib: $(OBJS)
	@del lualib.lib	 
	@del lualib.rsp	
	&echo +$** &>>lualib.rsp	
	tlib /C lualib.lib @lualib.rsp,lualib.lst

# Implicit rule to build all .obj files:

      @del *.obj
      @del *.rsp
      @del *.lst