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Paypal might not be a good idea.. last I checked (about a month ago) it was
a real trial to do anything with them if you didn't have a credit card,
unless you live in the states. They seem to be pretty credit card fixated,
unless you live in the US, in which case they can access your bank account
directly. Of course, they may have fixed things up so people outside the US
can do stuff without a credit card, you'd have to check...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Adam" <>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: t-shirts [was Re: History of Lua aside... note about game

> > Since I got my office back, I am trying to find some spare time to
> > the task. I still don't know how to get the payments. I was thinking
> > geting Amazon gift certificates. Is that too stupid?
>     Have a look at
>     I don't know if I'd trust them with thousands of dollars, but they
> be perfect for T-Shirt sales.  Also, they had a scheme of opening your
> account with $10 in it if another paypal user recommended the service,
> and they'd pay the existing user $10 too.  If they're still doing that
> paypal might subsidise all of our T-Shirts. hehehe