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I don't know if you are already aware of this problem:
when I have to overloaded functions that has some optional parameters tolua
soemtimes can't find the correct function to call if I don't provide all the
parameters. for example:

I have 

class my_class {
void some_function(char *);
void some_function(int x,int y,int w=80,int h=80);


tolua generates something like this for the second one: 

 static ...... my_class_some_function01(lua_State *tolua_S)
	if (
	!tolua_istype(tolua_S,2,LUA_TNUMBER,0) ||
	!tolua_istype(tolua_S,3,LUA_TNUMBER,0) ||
	!tolua_istype(tolua_S,4,LUA_TNUMBER,0) ||
	!tolua_istype(tolua_S,5,LUA_TNUMBER,0) )
	//call the second one
	//call the first one
that's ok if I call some_function(10,10,100,100) but if I call
some_function(10,10) it will try to execute the one with char * with an

a quick workaround is either putting the functions with optional parameters
first. But it would be better to make sure the optional parameters are not
checked, what do you think?

Juan Pablo Sousa