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>The one wish I'd love to see granted is read-only access to the active
>code base - i.e. to *see* what your upcoming 4.1 is starting to look

Your wish is granted:
Be careful what you wish :-)

Now, the catches:
- This is a snapshot. It might not even compile (it does, though).
- There is no documentation. The code is the documentation :-)
- Please do not ask questions about the code. Wait until an alpha version is
  out and see whether the questions are still valid.
- I'll try to keep this up-to-date, but I can't promise anything.

Lua 4.1 brings a new API function
  LUA_API lua_State *lua_newthread (lua_State *L, int stacksize);
States created with this share the global environment with L, but have separate
runtime data. (If L is NULL, lua_newthread returns a complete new state.)

There are also hooks for mutex: lua_lock(L) and lua_unlock(L), which are empty
by default.

We'd like to see implementations of coroutines and multithreads on top these.