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>From  Fri Jul 28 19:33:12 2000
>From: David Jeske <>
>Actually, my bigggest unsolved problem in this area is that I want to
>be able to use 32-bit floating point AND be able to represent a
>time_t. I end up using doubles just so I can handle units of time
>reliably, which is somewhat of a waste. 

We moved from float to double in Lua exactly to be able to represent 32-bit
integers. For some applications, double is a waste.

>1) and a.prev is relatively slow (it's about 1/2 the speed of
>   Python lists, see comparison below)

Well, slow depends on the application.
But I think having a uniform data struture is better is general, because we
can focus on optimizing just one implementation...

>2) and a.prev can't handle very large lists.  I originally
>   wanted to do 500000 iterations of the list_append_test, but 
>   Lua3.2 and Lua4.0a both segfault when I try that many iterations.
>   (Do you have any idea why?)

I'll see if I can find out, but at 500000 iterations this is likely a
C stack overflow.

>> Lua 4.0 wil have this in the form
>> 	for i,v in {a,b,c} do ... end
>Is it using next() order or numeric order?

next() order, but much faster than a a while-next loop.