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Hi all

I'm using Lua as a stand-alone language for the MSDOS and the Nokia 9110
Communicator (a GSM phone with PDA functions; its operating system runs 
on top of Embedded DOS-ROM which is mostly compatible with MS-DOS). For 
this reason, I compile Lua for a 16 bit environment and my compiler 
consider the Int C type composed by 16 bits.

Bugs and notes:
1) In lmem.h the macros
#define luaM_newvector(n,t)      ((t *)luaM_malloc((n)*sizeof(t)))
#define luaM_reallocvector(v,n,t)     ((v)=(t *)luaM_realloc(v,(n)
can pass a wrong size value to luaM_realloc() if Int is composed by 16 
bits and "n" is big enough.
For example, this program hangs at the 2136th loop, when Lua grows the
memory allocated for the table "t":
t = { }
n = 0
while 1 do
        t[n] = n
        n = n + 1

IMO the macros should contains a cast to unsigned long:
#define luaM_newvector(n,t)      ((t *)luaM_malloc((unsigned
#define luaM_reallocvector(v,n,t)     ((v)=(t *)luaM_realloc(v,(unsigned

I have't made a complete search, but I think that the following 
functions can have the same 16 bit related problem. Please note that I 
just had a look at this source codes without study them in depth 
(particularly for the 4.0), so could be wrong:

- lbuffer.c->openspace(): if (L->Mbuffnext+(size) > L->Mbuffsize) ...
- lbuffer.c->Openspace():
  - 3.2: size += EXTRABUFF;
    For example:
    a = strrep("A", 16380)
    b = strrep("B", 16380)
    c = a .. b
    gives correctly "lua error: internal array bigger than `int' limit
" because in lmem.c->luaM_growaux() the lines
   unsigned long newn = nelems+inc;
   if (newn >= limit) lua_error(errormsg);
   have the values of
   unsigned long (4294934552) = (0)+(-32744);
   if ((4294934552) >= (32765)) lua_error(errormsg);
   ("inc" has the value of Openspace()'s "size")
   Is it the right behaviour or only fortune ?
  - 4.0: L->Mbuffsize = (L->Mbuffnext+size+EXTRABUFF)*2;
2 e 4.0 (should be very rare):
  Closure *c = (Closure*)luaM_malloc(sizeof(Closure)+nelems*sizeof
- lundump.c->LoadCode():
  - 3.2: Byte* b=luaM_malloc(size+PAD);
  - 4.0 (I don't know if this line can gives problems or not):

2) Lua 4.0:
  - lparser.c->listfields(): checklimit(ls, n, 
MAXARG_A*LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH, "...") gives "'*' : integral constant 
overflow; result truncated" on my 16 bit compiler, because MAXARG_A is 
2^17-1 and LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH is 64 and their product is greater than 
  - lbuiltin.c->luaB_predefine() with the macro DEBUG defined:
luaB_opentests() gives "unresolved external" (there is also the 
function's prototype at line 44). IIRC, this warning was already posted 
but related to luac and without DEBUG.
  - In manual.html at "8 - Lua Stand-alone" is missing the explanation 
of the -s argument.

3) In interactive mode, after entering the line (for examples)
   a, b = read("*n", "*n")
   Lua displays 2 prompts ("> >").

1) Sometimes I need to return the elements of a table as single 
variables. For examples:
function read(...)
        local retlist = call(%read, arg, "p")
        return tunpack(retlist)  [see forward for tunpack()]
a, b = read("*n", "*n")

To do this, I wrote this function:
function tunpack(tbl)
        if (tbl == nil) or (tbl.n == nil) or (tbl.n == 0) then return 
        local tbl1 = tbl[1]
        tremove(tbl, 1)
        return tbl1, tunpack(tbl)

Is there a better way to do this ? (I would like to avoid the 
recursion's overhead and to destroy the table)

2) At the moment, I also use tunpack() to return a variable number of
values. For example:
function example(flags)
        local ret = { }
        if strfind(flags, "A") then tinsert(ret, dosomething()) end
        if strfind(flags, "B") then tinsert(ret, dosomethingelse()) end
        return tunpack(ret)
a, b

Is there a better way to do this instead of using a table ?

3) Is it possible to avoid the assignment of some arguments in the "="
operator ? For example something like:
nil, a, nil, b = dosomething()
, a, , b = dosomething()

I could write
a, a, a, b = dosomething()
but this involves always 4 assignments even if I need only the last one.

I still have a couple of questions about memory management to reduce and
recover the memory allocation but I don't want to bother you too much 
with this email.

Sorry for this long email and for my wrong English.

Best regards
