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- Subject: Re: Some enhancement requests
- From: Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <lhf@...>
- Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 09:55:27 -0300 (EST)
>From: Edgar Toernig <froese@gmx.de>
>1. Allow the $if/$ifnot statement to test if debugging is turned on
> so that one can add additional debugging code in lua programs.
The purpose of $debug is to enable better error messages, not to support
user-level debugging.
I think you could do what you want using a global variable, say DEBUG,
and then write:
print("x.n=", getn(x))
foreach(x, function(i,v) assert(type(i)=="number", "bad x") end)
To enable this code using the standard standalone interpreter, you can simply
do lua DEBUG=1 myfile.lua
>2. The second argument to the next() function should be optional so that
> next(foo, nil) is the same as next(foo). I use next() regularly to test
> if a table is empty (if next(tab) then print"not empty" end) and the
> additional nil is disturbing and inconsistent.
Using "next" to test whether a table is empty is a clever idea, but it got me
thinking *why* you would want to do this.
Anyway, the request sounds reasonable to me. We'll see...