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I'm not concerned with whether the solution involves adding a break
statement or not. However, I have to second Fred's complaint about
"while()" being the only available looping structure. This pattern
right here:

On Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 06:08:37PM -0300, Fred Bertsch wrote:
> [ code before test ]
> while test do
>   [ code after test ]
>   [ code before test ]
> end
> Which is obviously confusing and hard to maintain.  

is littered through my Lua code. I have very few hard and fast rules,
but one of them is that replication of code leads to
multiple-maintaniance and annoying bugs, so don't do it. Only having a
while() loop structure forces me to duplicated the "code before test"
in two places, which I do not like at all. 

Consider the ultra-simple operation of walking a table. This code was
taken right out of the lua reference manual's "foreach()" function:

  local i, v = next(t, nil)
  while i do
    local res = f(i, v)
    if res then 
       return res 
    i, v = next(t, i)

I despise the repition of the "i,v = next(t,i)" code. It may seem
innocuous in this case, however, if there is enough code in the loop
such that they don't fit on the same page, or if the amount of work
done during that code was more complicated, the maintaniance of that
replicated code becomes a chore.

The "break" syntax could solve this problem, but I'm not as crazy for
it. I think it makes it too easy to accidentally create infinite
loops. The above would be written as:

  local v
  local i = nil
  while 1 do
    i,v = next(t, i)
    if not i then
    local res = f(i, v)
    if res then 
       return res 


I'd much prefer a syntax for assignment within expressions:

  local i = nil
  local v
  while i,v = next(t,i) do
     local res = f(i, v)
     if res then 
        return res 

  Some special syntax might be required for allowing
  better use of multiple-return values. (i.e. for having
  the assignment evaluate to the value of one of the later

  For example, if I wanted "i,v = next(t,i)" to evaluate
  to "v" instead of "i", we might need one of these:

  (i,v = next(t,i))[v]    -- some method of accessing the 
  (i,v = next(t,i))[2]    --  return list as a table
  (i,v = next(t,i)):v

  (i,v = next(t,i)),v     -- like the C comma-operator, but
                          --   evaluating to the value of the
                          --   last expression instead of the first

David Jeske (N9LCA) + +