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On Sun, Aug 29, 1999 at 05:49:40AM -0300, Ashley Fryer wrote:
> I'm curious, is there some reason why the two types of table field
> initialization lists can't be merged?

I think this is an RTFM..

> This would become legal syntax:
>   t = { 42, name = "bob", 45, color = "blue" }

Just do:

    t = { 42, 45 ; name = "bob", color = "blue" }

For some justification of why the numbered and keyed parts have to be
separated, see this message from the archive:

FYI: you can also do:

    t = { [1] = 42, ["name"] = "bob", [2] = 45, ["color"] = "blue" }

David Jeske (N9LCA) + +