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Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
 >> Windows binaries for Lua 3.2 are now available at

   Great!  Glad to see a DLL build.  :-)

   By the way, I realize that the binaries are "unofficial", but...  Just
how unofficial are they?

   In other words, what will happen when as 3.3 or 4.0 or whatever's next
is released?  (I've only been around here since the 3.2 beta, so I'm not
really sure what has happened during version upgrades.)  I understand that
you don't want to COMMIT to providing binaries for every possible platform
(yikes!), but for those platforms that you have previously built binaries
for -- how likely is it that you'll continue to do so in the future?



   P.S.  Sure, it's no work at all for me to build my own binaries -- but
I'm not asking just because I'm being lazy!  <grin>