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Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:

> As a consequence of some changes to be introduced in 3.1, we had to
> change the internal structure of bytecodes and this directly affects
> the format of precompiled files, in a way that is incompatible with
> binaries generated by Lua 3.0.
> How serious is this change for you?

It does not affect me.

> Do you had precompiled files for which you do not have the lua source
> files?


> We never promised that we would not change the format of binary files
> because
> we assume that your programs can always be recompiled.
> However, we *might* write a conversion tool if there is a major need
> for it.
> I take this opportunity to conduct a quick survey:
> 1. Do you use precompiled lua chunks? Why or why not?


> 2. Do you use precompiled lua chunks *across* platforms?


>    (Did you know that precompiled chunks are supposed to be portable?)


> 3. Do you have precompiled files for which you do *not* have the
> sources?
