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Martin Spernau wrote:

One thing that binding generators can not provide tho is returning of
multiple results (eg. as tables), here a handwritten binding would much more
build on the power of Lua.
Ans yes, the wxLua bindings are rather clean and nice to use, but they still
follow the C++ style of building a GUI. Lua as a language could provide a
far 'higher level' approach. But then the way it is is easier on the
documentation / example code side, as one can easily transform the sample
C++ coe into Lua code...

We might actually agree here ;-)

I do want the interface to be Lua-like in using Lua tables
and things like multiple return values where appropriate.
I have also thought the documentation/example issue and I think
that at least on the lowest level it is an advantage if the usage
resembles the C++ bindings. I guess it would be possible to
layer higher lever stuff on that kind of interface.
