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On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 5:37 AM, Roberto Ierusalimschy
<> wrote:
>> Any suggestions for improvement will be deeply appreciated.
> I know this is a can of worms, but it would be interesting to have some
> kind of a list of "highlights". Most people won't be impressed if Lua is
> being used by 200 unknown applications, but will be surprised to know
> that Lua is being used in a few very popular ones.
> (Of course, what is a jaw-dropping application for some people can be
> almost irrelevant to a different group, not to mention the sensibilities
> of those not included in the highlights...)
> -- Roberto

As a newcomer to Lua, my impression was that the "big name" users of
Lua were major games and Adobe Lightroom. I came to Lua because of
Redis 2.6 and Luvit myself.

Twitter:; Computational Journalism Publishers

How the Hell can the lion sleep with all those people singing "A weem
oh way!" at the top of their lungs?