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> The rosetta vehicle in MacOSX made it possible for me to run my previously installed Lua 5.3. I do not want to loose that option by removing its binary and risking I will never get it back working.

Building Lua 5.3 should be no problem. Running a previously installed
Lua might be, if you've copied it from an Intel machine. Better be
safe and rebuild Lua natively.

> /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: archive member: liblua.a(lapi.o) offset in archive not a multiple of 8 (must be since member is an 64-bit object file)

Again, first time I hear about this. But now Google does not help.

> could it be that the make script does not generate 64bit binaries?

The Makefile builds Lua for the current architecture. So, no problem there.