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Hi Andre! 

Thanks, this is exactly what I needed.

Kind regards,

On Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 10:53 AM Andre Leiradella <> wrote:

I'd make the Lua script return a function that receives the plugin as a
parameter, i.e.

return function(plugin)

so you can call it with the correct plugin instance from C.


On 2023-11-29 9:47, Diederick Huijbers wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on a project where I'm integrating Lua into a C app. The C
> app uses plugins where a plugin can use a .lua file to implement some
> of its logic. Each plugin is represented by a C based instance of a
> `struct rx_plugin` and a metatable with the same name. The C
> application keeps an array of the loaded plugins and manages its memory.
> I would like to allow the user to create a .lua file for each plugin.
> The user should be able to communicate from Lua to C through the
> plugin instance that is allocated/deallocated in C. For example, in C
> the user can call a function like `rx_plugin_dispatch_event(rx_plugin*
> ctx, const char* name)` which will call functions that have been
> registered with the plugin; e.g. a typical event dispatcher.
> I was thinking of creating a metatable (in C) and setting a global
> userdata with this metatable and the variable name "plugin", so that
> you can use `plugin:dispatchEvent("name")` from Lua. However, because
> I'm loading multiple .lua scripts and executing them via
> `luaL_dofile()` each `plugin` variable will overwrite the previous one.
> I found this StackOverflow
> <> which describes a similar issue
> for Lua 5.1, I'm working with Lua 5.4.6 where things work differente
> regarding globals if I'm right. How can I implement this in C and Lua
> 5.4.6? I'm also wondering if there are other approaches or patterns
> for what I'm trying to achieve?
> Thanks,
> roxlu