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It was thus said that the Great Iurii Belobeev once stated:
> Hi,
> I have the code:
> printf("errno: %d\n", errno);
> lua_getglobal(L, "require");
> lua_pushliteral(L, "mymodule");
> lua_call(L, 1, 1);
> printf("errno: %d\n", errno);
> package.cpath:
> /mydir/?/?.so
> mymodule exists:
> /mydir/mymodule/
> It is being required successfully.
> The wrong thing here for me is that errno is set to 2 (No such file or
> directory) after the successful require.
> It gives me some trouble later.
> Is such behavior expected here?
> Or I'm doing something wrong?

  Yes, such behavior is expected, as it is an interaction between the C
standard and Lua's behavior.  First, the C standand, section 7.5.3: errno.h

	The value of errno is zero at program startup, but is never set to
	zero by any library function. The value of errno may be set to
	nonzero by a library function call whether or not there is an error,
	provided the use of errno is not documented in the description of
	the function in this International Standard.

Section fopen() states:

	The fopen function returns a pointer to the object controlling the
	stream.  If the open operation fails, fopen returns a null pointer.

  There is no mention of errno in this function, so fopen() can set errno. 
The Lua manual, in the section about package.searchers[] (an array), states
that the default order of module searching is:

	1	search package.preload[]
	2	search for a file specified in package.path
	3	search for a file specified in package.cpath
	4	search for a file specified in package.cpath (different criteria)

  The second searcher will call fopen() on each segment in package.path,
causing errno to be set to the error seen.  No C library (per 7.5.3) will
ever reset errno to 0, and Lua only sets errno to 0 in two places (as I can
see): once in io_pclose() (when closing a pipe), and os_execute() (before
running the standard C call system()).

  I would not expect errno to be of much use after calling into Lua.
