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On 10/6/23 07:59, Родион Горковенко wrote:
Perhaps, provide a small straightforward example please? E.g. here are
7 nesting levels

for i=1,7 do b=b[1]; print('level #' .. i, b) end

and it looks like working in 5.4.6
I can confirm that it works in 5.4.4 . Below Linux Mint 21.2 Xfce Terminal session:
~ $ lua5.4
Lua 5.4.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2022, PUC-Rio
> b={{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{5}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
for i=1,17 do b=b[1]; print('level #' .. i, b) end
level #1    table: 0x556b02798fe0
level #2    table: 0x556b027993b0
level #3    table: 0x556b02799410
level #4    table: 0x556b02799470
level #5    table: 0x556b027994d0
level #6    table: 0x556b02799530
level #7    table: 0x556b02799590
level #8    table: 0x556b027995f0
level #9    table: 0x556b02799650
level #10    table: 0x556b027996b0
level #11    table: 0x556b02799710
level #12    table: 0x556b02799770
level #13    table: 0x556b027997d0
level #14    table: 0x556b02799830
level #15    table: 0x556b02799890
level #16    table: 0x556b027963c0
level #17    5
But most probably I failed to grasp where or under which conditions
"parsing" fails?

Thanks in advance!

I've faced the case of inability to parse the big and nested tables.
Unfortunately only 5 nesting levels may be parsed for sure, which seems
to be too little for so wonderful language as Lua is :-)