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Dear all,

In case anybody is interested, I have added regular expressions to LPEG Re module as used by (later to be included into FormatterII templating engine (

The syntax is:

{flavour/regular expression/flags}, where flavour is pcre|pcre2|posix|onig|tre (subject to availability);
flags are [imsxUX]*


{/regular expression/flags}, with the default flavour from re.rex_flavour.

The regular expression is not anchored, unless it starts from ^.

The captures from regex are propagated but named ones will become anonymous.

lpeg.Cmt is used, the implementation is at lines 175-202 and 292-311 of

The motivation is that Re library can be used to build grammars from, among other things, PECL masks for from an external source.

Alexander Mashin