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Hello.  Getting a compilation error on MSVC 6.0 SP6 on Windows XP with the latest Lua.  The error is as follows:

Line 338 of lmathlib.c:
static lua_Number I2d (Rand64 x) {
  return (lua_Number)(trim64(x) >> shift64_FIG) * scaleFIG;

gives this error:
compile error C2520: conversion from unsigned __int64 to double not implemented, use signed __int64

[The VC6 Processor Pack may fix this - haven't tested - however it's incompatible with the latest version of VC6 (service pack 6)]

Simply casting to signed __int64 is wrong, as that will make the range -0.5 to +0.5.  I suppose you could then always add 0.5 to move it to the 0, 1 range.  A couple other proposed fixes:

// this one preserves the full 64-bits by masking off the MSB
//  then later conditionally adding 0.5 bias back in
static lua_Number I2d (Rand64 x) {
  signed __int64 y = x & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
  lua_Number d = (signed __int64)(trim64(y) >> shift64_FIG) * scaleFIG;
  if (x & 0x8000000000000000) d += 0.5;
  return d;

or, if you don't mind losing a bit of precision:

// only 63-bits of precision, the top-most (sign / MSB) bit is lost
//  maybe OK as a double has only 52-bits mantissa
static lua_Number I2d (Rand64 x) {
  signed __int64 y = x & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
  return (signed __int64)(trim64(y) >> (shift64_FIG - 1)) * scaleFIG;

Of course, these are both specific fixes _for my case_ and I do not know enough about Lua to make these either conditional nor portable.  I am happy to test any fixes on my system though, if anyone wants to make this old compiler officially work again!

-Greg Kennedy