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It is a more general question why in this __indexing chain when finally found __index metamethod is a function, it is called with last table in chain as argument, but not the first one who actually triggered indexing.

Yes, i could store a link to initial table somewhere, and then track back who actually triggered initial indexing, but this would require "parent" table be aware of inherited "children".


void luaV_finishget (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val, const TValue *slot) {
  int loop;  /* counter to avoid infinite loops */
  const TValue *tm;  /* metamethod */
  const TValue *t0 = t;
//      luaT_callTMres(L, tm, t, key, val);  /* call it */
      luaT_callTMres(L, tm, t0, key, val);  /* call it */

On Fri, 25 Aug 2023 21:51:56 -0400
 David Favro <> wrote:

On August 25, 2023 12:58:40 PM EDT, temp 213 qwe <> wrote:

"child" table could store a link to "parent" (in __index actually), but if at the end of nested __indexing process we got last "parent" as self, there is no way to get a child who actually triggered it, or?

If I understand correctly what you are asking, this is a common request.

You have two options, either use functions for __index all the way down and choose a technique to carry a reference to the original table into successive calls, or modify the Lua runtime to pass in the originating table to the final __index function as a third parameter.

I use a personal fork of Lua with this modification amongst others, and I imagine that I am not the only one.

See for instance:

-- David