I have some experience* on big endianess host on physical 64/32-bit
lua: 5.1.5, 5.2.4 works as expected!
lua: 5.3+ random crash and dont works with large numbers, i.e., unixstamp ( os.date, os.time )
my project was need backport from 5.4.x to 5.2.4 =)
you can try run QEMU to verify (i.e. MIPS, openwrt, ...)
you need some compiler env (32 or 64-bitcpu and same size of int, float, double, ...)
you maybe checkout about mixed endianness
you maybe need memory align OR a custom allocator
* 32-bit ARM1136J-S
* 32-bit ARM920T
* 32-bit powermac g4
* 64-bit powermac g5