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The behavior of strcoll even in the same locale can and often will differ between systems and even between library versions on the same system;
To make it possible for everyone to reporoduce the issue the Ubuntu docker container can be used.
Run the container with: docker run -it --rm ubuntu:22.04 And in the container: apt update apt install -y build-essential git locales libreadline-dev localedef -i km_KH -c -f UTF-8 -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias km_KH.UTF-8 git clone https://github.com/lua/lua cd lua make./lua -e 'os.setlocale("km_KH.UTF-8")print(string.rep("\u{17A2}\u{17B6}",100000).."\0"<string.rep("\u{17A4}",100000))'
Regards, Xmilia