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On Tue, 2 May 2023 at 20:41, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <> wrote:
Lua 5.4.5 is no longer available at
Most links to it have been changed back to Lua 5.4.4, which is now
again the current release of Lua 5.4.
We're working on Lua 5.4.6, which we expect to release soon.
Now is the time to tell us about any important glitches you may have
found in Lua 5.4 (including Lua 5.4.5).
All feedback welcome. Thanks.

So is there any plan to release a new version .. soon?🤔

BTW it would be good to reorganize the git source tree to put all *c files in src/ as it dist tarball to make easier applying patches taken from git on top of the last release easier.
Second thing is that it would be good to integrate in git and dist tarball lua test suite.

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn: