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- Subject: Re: how to get specific text from website via androlua
- From: bil til <biltil52@...>
- Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2023 15:24:52 +0200
If you want to learn how to program Lua, then perhaps you best look a
the hints given in the following references:
---* Official reference manual (very compact. ca. 100 pages):
---* Official "Programming in Lua" introduction: https://www.lua.org/pil/
---* Editor/"IDE": https://code.visualstudio.com/
--- after install add extension: sumneko "Lua - Lua language server
coded by Lua"
--- possibly also: actby168 "Lua Debug - VS Code debugger extension
for Lua"
---* Lua Performance tips: https://www.lua.org/gems/sample.pdf
---* "Learn x in y minutes": https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/lua/
---* Lua quick guide:
---* Video Tutorial 1 hour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMacxZQMPXs
---* Interactive Tutorial: https://www.luascript.dev/learn
---* "Codewars" for deeper training: https://www.codewars.com/
- References:
- how to get specific text from website via androlua, Rana Ayaz
- Re: how to get specific text from website via androlua, GoldenKnightFly
- Re: how to get specific text from website via androlua, Fidel H Viegas
- Re: how to get specific text from website via androlua, Rana Ayaz
- Re: how to get specific text from website via androlua, Michal Kottman
- Re: how to get specific text from website via androlua I am pasting the codes of two functions below some people are using this method to get specific text from website but i could not be understand what's the method used here can anyone guide me properly about it? require "import" --import "android.content.Intent" import "android.net.Uri" --import "com.androlua.*" local url = "https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/pakistan/lahore" -- الرجائ عدم اجرائ اي تغيير بعد هذه النقطة Http.get(url,function(status, data) if status == 200 then io.open("/storage/emulated/0/Download/html_data.txt","w"):write(data):close() local loc = string.match(data, "banner__title>Weather%sin%s(%a+)") local temp = string.match(data, "(%d+)%D+°") local type = string.match(data, "class=mtt%stitle=\"(%a+)%.\"") local t_high = string.match(data, "Forecast:%s(%d+)%s/%s%d+") local t_low = string.match(data, "Forecast:%s%d+%s/%s(%d+)") local wind = string.match(data, "Wind:%s(%d+, Rana Ayaz
- Re: how to get specific text from website via androlua, Sean Conner
- Re: how to get specific text from website via androlua, Rana Ayaz