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> I found that coroutine.close does not update the nCcalls variable of the
> coroutine it switches to when running the __close methods. This can lead to
> loss of the C call count and a stack overflow as the following code
> demonstrates:
> local coro = {}
> local n = 1
> for i = 1, 100000 do
>     coro[i] = coroutine.create(function()
>         local cc <close> = setmetatable({}, {__close=function()
>             n = n + 1
>             coroutine.close(coro[n])
>         end})
>         coroutine.yield()
>     end)
>     coroutine.resume(coro[i])
> end
> coroutine.close(coro[1])
> This creates 100000 coroutines with low nCcalls counts and then closes all
> through the __close method using lots of C stack.

Many thanks for the feedback.

-- Roberto