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It was thus said that the Great Scott Morgan once stated:
> On 21/07/2022 22:52, Gé Weijers wrote:
> >With the doubling strategy you only copy twice the size of the 
> >maximum string length, or 8GB for a 4GB string.
> Would memory fragmentation also be an issue with multi-GB allocations, 
> even with efficient buffer managment?

  It really depends upon the memory allocation method on a given operating
system.  For instance, on Linux with the GNU libc it overcommits
memory---that is, malloc() will probably never return NULL as the underlying
system allocates address space, not actual memory.  Memory is only actually
"allocated" when you write to memory (it will find and map an actual memory
page).  That's one issue.

  The other one is resizing an existing block of memory.  The C standard
states this:

	The realloc function deallocates the old object pointed to by ptr
	and returns a pointer to a new object that has the size specified by
	size. The contents of the new object shall be the same as that of
	the old object prior to deallocation, up to the lesser of the new
	and old sizes. Any bytes in the new object beyond the size of the
	old object have indeterminate values.

  Basically, one should treat the pointer returned from realloc() as a
different one from the one passed in.  In reality, an "optimization" is to
attempt to grow the block in place and return back the original pointer, and
only allocting new memory when the old one can't be grown (NOTE: one
shouldn't assume the new pointer and the old are the same).  Also note that
only the existing contents of the old memory are copied---any unused space
is not initialized so new memory (assuming the first paragraph of my reply
holds) isn't mapped until used.

  I wrote a quick program for 64b Linux that continuously grows a block of
memory with twice the size until 1/2G.  I don't write into the memory, just
allocate it.  I also check the returned pointer to see if it's the same:

         1 old
         2 new
         4 new
         8 new
        16 new
        32 old
        64 new
       128 new
       256 new
       512 new
      1024 new
      2048 new
      4096 new
      8192 new
     16384 new
     32768 new
     65536 new
    131072 new
    262144 old
    524288 old
   1048576 old
   2097152 old
   4194304 old
   8388608 old
  16777216 old
  33554432 old
  67108864 old
 134217728 old
 268435456 old
 536870912 old

  At this point, the allocated address space has 527044 pages, but is only
using 1668.  And as can be seen, once the size got past a certain point, the
block was able to be grown in place.  Once I write into all the allocated
memory, the resident size increases to 525624.

  And to show differences in memory allocation schemes, here's one from a
slightly older version of Mac OS-X:

         1 old
         2 new
         4 new
         8 new
        16 new
        32 old
        64 new
       128 new
       256 new
       512 old
      1024 old
      2048 new
      4096 old
      8192 old
     16384 old
     32768 old
     65536 old
    131072 old
    262144 old
    524288 new
   1048576 new
   2097152 new
   4194304 new
   8388608 new
  16777216 new
  33554432 new
  67108864 new
 134217728 new
 268435456 new
 536870912 new

  And again, the total address space allocated is large (2957168---I'm
unsure of the units here) but the actual space is tiny (748).  And here, we
seem to always allocate a new block past a certain size.
