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On 22/06/2022 20:54, Lars Müller wrote:
Having heard your full use case I would suggest jotting down all your
expressions in a stupidly-simple-to-parse notation (S-expressions,
anyone? or perhaps a Lua DSL?) and then generating all the other formats
out of that (C(++), LaTeX, perhaps Lua). Evaluating the expression trees
in Lua should be trivial either way.

-- Lars

Thanks for the idea. It didn't occur to me, and it might be an option in other situations.

However, there is a big drawback: the readability of the "source" will be greatly hampered. Keep in mind that all my tools are aimed at simplifying and speeding-up my workflow while designing a test or a handout for my lectures.

Therefore I like to write the text essentially as a latex fragment
with some embedded Lua sprinkled all over. Part of the underlying engine that allow me to do so is a modified (by me) version of the Lua template processor by Rici Lake found on WIKI pages, which has served me extraordinarily well for ages (even in other applications, that is).

This makes the "source" very readable, because I can enter something like this in a file that will be parsed as a Lua-based DSL:


Section { pt = 9, ncols = 2, shuffle = shuffle_answers }
Consider an ATMega328P MCU. We want to configure pin PD4
as a digital output having a high logic level.
Which of the following C code fragments does what's required?

# function EmitAnswer( text )
#   return ([[
#   \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}[outer=c]
#   \begin{lstlisting}[ style = Cstyle ]
#   \end{lstlisting}
#   \end{minipage}
#   \vspace{0.5 em}
#   ]]):format( text )
# end

      DDRD |= (1u << PD4);
      PORTD |= (1u << PD4);
      DDRD &= ~(1u << PD4);
      PORTD |= (1u << PD4);
-- (Other alternative answers stripped)   ,


This is a "declaration" of a Section in a test (in this case a multiple-choice question), where the text of the question is a Lua string whose content is LaTeX, which in turn embeds more Lua code!!!
Then a set of possible answers follows.

BTW, in this simple example the function EmitAnswer does little (just making possible answers format uniform, without repeating boilerplate Latex). In other cases it does much more, e.g. randomizes the results according to some parameters or calculates the correct result of some algorithm or expression. Lots of different cases, really. Anyway there are multiple levels of metaprogramming at play (with quite some hidden configuration and interactions of function environments).

In this case those C code fragments didn't need to be processed (evaluated as C, I mean). However, if any of those expressions needed to be evaluated, with your solution I'd lose any readability of the "source" of the test.

Take this as another example:


Section { pt = 9, ncols = 6, shuffle = shuffle_answers }
What value is stored in the variable x?
# local c1 = VERSION_PARMS.c1
# local c2 = VERSION_PARMS.c2
# local function HEX( n )
#   return "0x" .. BaseConvertFormatted( n, 16, 4, 4 ):trim()
# end
# local expr = ([[(%s|%s) & ((1u << 4) | (1u << 5) | (1u << 6))]]):format( HEX(c1), HEX(c2) )
# local expr_lua = expr:gsub( '1u', '1')
# varcontent =assert( load( "return " .. expr_lua ) )()
\begin{lstlisting}[ style = Cstyle, xleftmargin = 2 em ]
   uint16_t x = ${expr};
# function EmitAnswer( x )
# local ans = ([[$\mathrm{%sh}$]]):format( BaseConvertFormatted( x, 16, -4, 4, "~~" ) )
#   return ans
# end
   ${EmitAnswer( varcontent ) }
   ${EmitAnswer( varcontent << 1 ) }
   ${EmitAnswer( varcontent << 2 ) }
-- (Other alternative answers stripped)   ,


Here you can see that an expression `expr` entered in C (with "metaparametrization") is being "massaged" in order to be evaluated in Lua, and then it is output as C.

Therefore your approach would really slow me down, since even if I devise a smart notation to represent an expression, I don't really reason that way. I really want to be able to write down a plain Lua/C/whatever expression (which is what my brain can process visually in a fast and reliable way). All the other "weird" processing should be done by the tool.

Otherwise I would never be sure to have entered the "right" expression, and I would always need to recompile the Latex output to see the final PDF to be sure. This will really add steps to my workflow instead of simplifying it.

Thanks again for the suggestion, though.


-- Lorenzo.