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On Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 10:11 PM Sean Conner <> wrote:
It was thus said that the Great Ryan Starrett once stated:
> Subject, basically. It's similar to the behavior found in Python, I'm just
> curious if there's an existing patch for it. Otherwise, are there resources
> that can help me make one?

  What is lacking in string.find(), string.match(), string.gmatch(),
string.sub() or string.gsub()?


This is something I wanted to learn how to do. I spent around 3 days experimenting with Lua's source code, trying to affiliate myself with how (i.e) jumps worked because I enjoyed learning about the language. As of recently, I figured out how to implement this into Lua 5.4 because I had an epiphany in what "luaK_patchtohere" does.