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Thank you, I also would prefer to avoid such drastic / basic language
changes, except if they were REALLY CLEARLY important.

You also have to see that meanwhile there are quite many editors in
the market with Lua language recognition (e. g. very nice from my
point of view MS Visual Studio Code (NOT MS Visual Studio) with
Sumneko "Lua programmed by Lua" add-on). Such systems e. g. will
auto-complete for...end, or they will recognize the blocks ... .

If you would add such basic language changes concerning "blocks" at
some Lua version update, then you would torpedize such system
tremendously (they would then need some sort of "Lua version
configuration setting" ... in fact you would need another sort of
"language structure recognition" for older Lua versions, compared to
new versions...

This was no problem in ealier versions of Lua from time to time... but
the wider the field of Lua users, the more cumbersome such activity
gets for very many people... .

On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 8:03 PM Lars Müller <> wrote:
> Is there really a need for syntactic sugar here though? There already is 'assert' to simplify your if-condition (erroring instead of printing though):