> Things like this are just proof to me that some people have far too
> much, and yet somehow not enough, free time. :)
Helps if you're retired. ;) The following version should work on more
versions of Lua (tested with Lua 5.1, LuaJIT, lua-repl):
do local iw,i,j,k
=io.write local z,b = {},{}
local a=".,-~:;=!*#$@"local A=0.0
local sin=math.sin local cos=math.cos
local int=math.floor iw("\27[2J")local B=
0 while true do for i= 0,1759 do b[i]=" " z
[i]=0.0 end j=0.0 while 6.28 > j do i=0 while
6.28>i do local c=sin(i)local d=cos(j) local e=
sin(A)local f=sin(j) local g=cos(A) local
h=d+2 local D= 1/( c*h*e+f*g+5) local
l=cos(i) local m= cos(B) local t=c*
h*g- f*e local n= sin(B) local x=0+
int(40+30*D*(l*h*m -t*n))local y=1.0*
int(12+15*D*(l*h*n + t *m)) o=int(x+80*y)
local N=int(8*((f*e-c*d*g)*m-c*d*e-f*g-l*d*n))+
1 if 22>y and y>0 and x>0 and 80>x and D>z[o]
then z[o]= D if N > 1 then b[o]= a:sub(N,N)
else b[o]=a:sub(1,1) end end i=i+0.02 end
j=j+0.07 end iw("\27[H") for k=0,1760
do if k%80>0.0 then iw(b[k])else
iw("\n") end end A= A+0.04
B=B+0.02 end end