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> I used a local table here for the environment, this can of course also
> just be the global environment, but I tend to avoid global stuff.

But if it is the global environment then everyone will see the new `foo` that was set no? (because everyone sees that same table).
It's true that the original table was not changed but it does not matter because anyone will get the new implementation of `foo`.
Sorry if I am missing something clear, let me know if you think I am wrong.


On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 5:23 PM Patrick Kurth <> wrote:
On Wed, 2022-01-19 at 16:10 +0200, Meir Shpilraien wrote:
> Thanks for your reply, I was thinking of doing it but wouldn't a user
> can still use rawset to forcely set 'A1' to the global table and then
> my metatable '__index' function will not even be called when fetching
> 'A1'?
No, and please ignore some other things that were said on this thread.
rawset and rawget operate on the actual table, not the metatable. So if
you are using __index with the global environment as the metatable, the
user can't set the global values with rawset. But you have to also
protect the metatable by setting __metatable (this prevents
setmetatable and only returns this value when using getmetatable)

Here is an example:

local env = {
    foo = function() print("foo") end,
    print = print,
    rawset = rawset
env.__index = env

local proxy = {}
setmetatable(proxy, env)
--proxy = env

local source = "rawset(_ENV, 'foo', function() print('bar') end);

local chunk = load(source, "@a_chunk", "t", proxy)

chunk() -- prints 'bar' -- prints 'foo' if proxy ~= env, 'bar' if proxy == env

I used a local table here for the environment, this can of course also
just be the global environment, but I tend to avoid global stuff.

Kind regards,


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