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On Tue, 2022-01-18 at 14:53 +0100, Flyer31 Test wrote:
> Are you really sure that this is good idea?
Yes and no ;)

> I am quite new to Lua, but I think at least for beginners, it is nice
> and reasonable that Lua skips all these "typical C abbreviations" ++,
> --, +=, -=, *=, ...  . Too many operators I think are not helpful,
> especially not for a skript language which should be "learnt easily".
> But I still did not see from your proposal, why you would use /- or
> /+
> instead of -= or += ... doesn't this writing /- or /+ really look a
> bit VERY strange?
Please read my question again, this is not about += and -=. It is not
intended for "regular" lua. There are a lot of projects (such as mine)
which embed their own lua interpreter and for some applications (such
as mine) a specialized version can make sense. For this, "easily
learnt" is not of importance.

> ... but changing all such Lua source files I think would be very
> challenging ... if you would try this you should be a complete Lua
> source code expert I think. (Also please consider, that if you modify
> so many files by yourself, you very easily will run into problems
> with
> every new Lua version update..).

Well, I don't think it's too hard, I already started doing that, I was
just asking for pitfalls. And I'm not an expert in the lua source code,
hence the question ;)

Kind regards,