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21.12.2021 19:37, Spar пишет:
Make a dummy table with metatable and __pairs metamethod in it, make that metamethod return value A, put value B in dummy table. Now call pairs on it and read first value. If __pairs was invoked, you get A, if not regular pairs will return B

Thank you, but that's what I meant by probing. This is my current solution:


	Redefined pairs and ipairs.



	Whether a metamethod exists.

	@param string func Function that is supposed to invoke the metamethod.

	@param ?string method Metamethod to check.

	@return bool True, if the metamethod is supported.


local function metamethod_supported (func, method)

return not _G [func] (setmetatable ({ 0 }, { [method or '__' .. func] = function (tbl) end }))



	Emulate a metamethod, if it does not exist.

	@param string func Function that is supposed to invoke the metamethod.

	@param ?string method Metamethod to emulate.

	@return function Function redefined to take metamethod into account.


local function emulate_metamethod (func, method)

	if not metamethod_supported (func, method) then

		local raw = _G [func]

		return function (...)

			local metatable = getmetatable (tbl)

			local metamethod = metatable and metatable [method or '__' .. func]

			-- Do not simplify to return ... and ... or ...:

			if metamethod then

				return metamethod (...)


				return raw (...)




		return _G [func]



local pairs, ipairs = emulate_metamethod 'pairs', emulate_metamethod 'ipairs'

Alexander Mashin