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I'm pleased to announce another alpha release of lglicua,
my project to ease the effort needed to bring the Tecgraf
IM/CD/IUP scientific/technical tools to a range of
GNU/Linux distributions.

This release supports Lua 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 on Ubuntu
and GNU/Linux Mint distributions, and adds support for
CentOS-8 + Lua 5.3, to the existing CentOS7 + Lua 5.1

The installer steps have been reworked, with a new, big
and somewhat brutal command replacing several steps (for
suitable versions of "x"):

        lua-environment-force 5.x fer-real

added to co-ordinate all the changes required to permit
a changeable Lua ecosystem/environment:

    - installation Lua version selection;
    - LuaRocks Lua version configuration;
    - Assistant database Lua version fields; and
    - Multiple workspace play/run support changes,
      including LD_LIBRARY_PATH and package.cpath.

As always, the project uses the Subversion repository of
the Tecgraf IM/CD/IUP tools, as these are generally
more up-to-date than the formal release packages.

One distribution tested was Ubuntu 21.04.  This distro has
GCC-10.3, and some warning diagnostics have been added or
have been reformatted since GCC-9.3.  The
'parse-build.lua' script has been updated to recognise
the new messages.

PosixExec has gained functionality, as it became apparent
that caller code patterns could be simplified if these
patterns were accessed via terse options.  For example,
the child process can change to a different working
directory, and/or can have environment directives such as
"LC_ALL=C" prefixed to a command.

sur-behoffski (Brenton Hoff)
programmer, Grouse Software


[A separate, very similar message will be posted on]