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Hello !
I've got impressed by the simplicity
and easy to understand of
https://ssw.jku.at/Research/Projects/Coco/ parser generator and
already have it working with SquiLu
https://github.com/mingodad/squilu and think that it's a good
fit to have it in Lua too.
I've got a conversion from CocoR CSharp to Lua using https://github.com/yanghuan/CSharp.lua and the result is here https://github.com/yanghuan/CSharp.lua/files/6521486/Coco-lua.zip , it needs going through it and fix/simplify several things but overall the big picture is there in Lua.
I'm bringing this here just in case if
someone is interested in work on it and bring it to the
community !
Cheers !