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Le 2021-01-18 09:30, Michael Nelson a écrit :
On 1/17/2021 10:35 AM, wrote:
Dear Lua community,

I'm proud to announce the initial public release of LuaRT, a comprehensive framework for Windows to develop in Lua.

Please visit the project home page for more info:
(Documentation is still a work in progress)

LuaRT is based on Lua 5.4.1.
Disclaimer : LuaRT is beta material as bugs, caveats may occur...

Any feedback will be appreciated !


Looks very good. Documentation needs work, of course. Can 'each' be
used on Objects and if so how? The method names 'constructor' and
'destructor' while highly descriptive, are a bit long.

Yes, the function 'each' can be used on Objects, but only for objects from the standard library for the moment. Had to agree for long method names "constructor" and "destructor", but I think it fits more Lua style.
