An emulation could be created in 0.00 seconds ;-)
Prove it. :)
function solution(level)
local t = {"Lua"}
local mod = (2<<level)-1
if level > 0 then
setmetatable(t, {__index =
function (_, k)
local m = mod
if k%m == k then
while k > 2 do
m, k = m>>1, k%m
if k ~= 0 then
return "Lua"
local last_index = mod - level
return t, last_index
local level = tonumber(arg[1])
local t, last_index = solution(level)
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck….
It might still not be a duck.
this simpler version which does exactly what you ask:
Clever idea with weak tables!
But you have to invoke collectgarbage() before exiting from solution4()
Otherwise t contains your pseudo-nil-table instead of nil.
$ time lua xmilia_loop100.lua 20
real 0m12.336s
$ time lua chris_loop100.lua 20
real 0m10.267s
You're the new winner!