With Lua 5.4 some of my old scripts stop working due to io.popen() refusing to support binary reading mode on Windows.
This is an example to illustrate the problem:
Lua 5.3.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2017 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
> io.popen('lua.exe -e"print(string.char(49,26,50))"', "r"):read"*a":byte(1,-1)
> io.popen('lua.exe -e"print(string.char(49,26,50))"', "rb"):read"*a":byte(1,-1)
49 26 50 13 10
Lua 5.4.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2020 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
> io.popen('lua.exe -e"print(string.char(49,26,50))"', "r"):read"*a":byte(1,-1)
> io.popen('lua.exe -e"print(string.char(49,26,50))"', "rb"):read"*a":byte(1,-1)
stdin:1: bad argument #2 to 'popen' (invalid mode)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'io.popen'
stdin:1: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
Why does Lua 5.4 not allow me to read verbatim output of an external Windows process?