I've been exploring the output of luac (across multiple versions), and I'm coming to the conclusion that there isn't enough information in the dump output to map registers to local variables, or at least, not via any simple algorithm. Here's a simple example:
do -- Creates three locals in slots 1-3
local a
local b
local c
Reuses slots 1-3, but creates three new local records.
Since it's one statement, the scope of these doesn't begin until the final
VM instruction, which makes it virtually impossible to tease out which
register each actually belongs to.
local d, e, f = 42, math.sin(1) + 2, "hello " .. "world"
And here's the output of luac5.3 -l -l:
main <locals.lua:0,0> (11 instructions at 0x7f49beaffc90)
0+ params, 4 slots, 1 upvalue, 6 locals, 7 constants, 0 functions
1 [3] LOADNIL 0 2
2 [13] LOADK 0 -1 ; 42
3 [13] GETTABUP 1 0 -2 ; _ENV "math"
4 [13] GETTABLE 1 1 -3 ; "sin"
5 [13] LOADK 2 -4 ; 1
6 [13] CALL 1 2 2
7 [13] ADD 1 1 -5 ; - 2
8 [13] LOADK 2 -6 ; "hello "
9 [13] LOADK 3 -7 ; "world"
10 [13] CONCAT 2 2 3
11 [13] RETURN 0 1
constants (7) for 0x7f49beaffc90:
1 42
2 "math"
3 "sin"
4 1
5 2
6 "hello "
7 "world"
locals (6) for 0x7f49beaffc90:
0 a 2 2
1 b 2 2
2 c 2 2
3 d 11 12
4 e 11 12
5 f 11 12
upvalues (1) for 0x7f49beaffc90:
0 _ENV 1 0
The thing to note here is the range on the variables. Locals a, b, and c are shown as starting their lifetime at instruction 2 and having a 0-length scope, which is basically correct. (You can quibble about whether their lifetime should start with instruction 2 or 1.) But d, e and f are all shown as starting at 11 and ending at 11, which is wrong for everything except f.
I don't think that with just this set of ranges and these opcodes, you can algorithmically deduce that (say) local e is assigned to register 2. There *is* still enough information to see when locals are going out of scope, but since the scope of temporary registers isn't part of the debug info, you can't use that to help reconstruct the numbering either.