Thanks everyone for the feedback.
> you should write the benchmarking programs in the most
''natural'' way possible
Thanks for this detail I missed, smlckz.
> not the Fibonacci number
I knew about it just an hour before your message, that's a big mistake for sure, I apologize, thanks, Viacheslav.
I was working on the new version all day, I'm ready to publish updated graphs.
The conclusion stays the same but:
- Fixed description
- Changed os.clock to precise CPU clock API
- The page now has 2 charts: runtime and compile time of each Lua version
- Each test is now written "naturally". That means, when "for statement" is available, the script is rewritten. "write" function was moved to "io.write": rewritten, etc.
I'm still open for suggestions because I don't know everything, if I made I mistake or you know how to improve it, please let me know (probably in GitHub Issues, to not spam lua-l)