Em sáb., 7 de nov. de 2020 às 22:07, Sean Conner <
sean@conman.org> escreveu:
What follows is your code, but I've added some commentary.
typedef struct MyItem {
int size;
} MyItem;
typedef struct MyValue {
const char * name;
MyItem * item;
} MyValue;
static int lua_myvalue_new(lua_State *L) {
MyValue * value;
const char * name;
size_t l;
int n;
name = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l);
// The following check is not needed---luaL_checklstring() will do the
// check for you and raise an error is the item isn't a string. Also,
// given that you do nothing with the size of the string, you can use
// luaL_checkstring() instead.
Good, I have used checklstring for future use of var l.
// if (name == NULL) {
// return 0;
// }
n = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
luaL_argcheck(L, n >= 1, 2, "invalid size");
value = (MyValue *) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(MyValue));
// Again, no need for the following check as lua_newuserdata() will raise
// an error if it can't allocate memory.
Nice. I will remove, old habits.
// if (value == NULL) {
// return 0;
// }
// The issue with the following line is assigning the name to the
// structure. Strings are subject to garbage collection. But here, Lua
// has no idea that there's a reference to a string, so the string itself
// may go away. One way to handle this is to strore a reference to the
// string in the registry; another way is to allocate memory and create a
// copy, but then the __gc metamethod of MYVALUE_REGISTRY will have to
// free this memory.
The string name here, it is not the main problem.
value->name = name;
luaL_getmetatable(L, MYVALUE_REGISTRY);
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
value->item = (MyItem *) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(MyItem));
// Again, the following check isn't needed.
Ok, thanks.
// if (value->item == NULL) {
// return 0;
// }
// Like with the name, this creates a value that Lua can garbage collect,
// but Lua doesn't know you have a reference to it. You may need to store
// a reference to it in the registry.
Yes, I am doing this.
value->item->size = n;
luaL_getmetatable(L, UIMYITEM_REGISTRY);
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
// You can solve this several ways---one is to call lua_pop(L,1) to pop
// MyItem off the stack, or to use lua_pushvalue(L,-2) to copy MyValue to
// the top of the stack. Another way is to generate the uservalues in
// reverse order, thus avoiding the lua_pop() or lua_pushvalue() calls.
Many thanks, I will try.
In reverse order, I think it is not possible, MyItem is part of MyValue.
But I think of using it (MyItem) independently of MyValue, when this is possible.
return 1; /* Must return value (MyValue) */
> Howto return to Lua MyValue struct (userdata)?
Mentioned in the comment above.
> MyItem needs to be allocated by malloc rather than lua_newuserdata?
That is one way to do it. But then the __gc metamethod of
MYVALUE_REGISTRY will have to explicitely free it. Also doing it this way
prevents Lua from garbage collecting it if there's no reference to it.
Yes, but I'm just recording it because I intend to use it independently.
Now my question to you is---*how* are you going to use MyValue in Lua?
It would be a new type, as in the example in the book chapter 28 (User-Defined types in C).
it something that is opaque and not modified through Lua?
Only modified by C.
If so, this is
not a bad approach. If you are going to modify it through Lua, then you may
want to use a different approach and use Lua tables until you can't. I use
this method at work, and while I can't show the code, I can tell how it's
implemented (simplified):
I have the following structure:
struct data
char *key;
char *picid;
uint32_t pictypes; // bitflags for image types, GIF, PNG, JPEG, etc.
char *info[]; // an array of strings
size_t numinfo; // number of info entries
In the system, I have some C functions that look like:
struct data const *record_get(char const *key);
int record_put(char const *key,struct data const *data);
At the boundary between Lua and the rest of the system (in C/C++), I
convert this to/from a Lua table, since it can be manipulated and it's
easier (and less code) to write if I do so. The record_get() function for
Lua looks something like:
static int lua_record_get(lua_State *L)
struct data const *info = record_get(luaL_checkstring(L,1));
if (info == NULL)
return 0;
// turn the pictypes field into an array for easy processing in Lua
// blah blah
// blah blah
return 1;
And the reverse:
static int lua_record_set(lua_State *L)
struct data info;
int rc;
info.key = luaL_checkstring(L,1);
info.picid = luaL_checkstring(L,-1);
// code to loop through Lua table to get pictypes
// code to loop through Lua table to get info
rc = record_put(info.key,&info);
lua_pushboolean(L,rc == 0);
return 2;
I don't have to bother with making sure I have references to userdatas, or
write multiple __index and __newindex metamethods and what not. The data is
converted to native Lua types upon inport, and is coverted from native Lua
types upon export, and for what we use it for, it's fast enough to not worry
about the speed of conversion.
Nice, but I think offer to user, sugar syntax like a[],
that way I need to implement all types of accesses.
best regards,
Ranier Vilela