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I think there is either an error in the manual or a bug in the
implementation regarding the next function.
The manual state for the lua function next:
"The behavior of next is undefined if, during the traversal, you assign any
value to a non-existent field in the table. You may however modify existing
fields. In particular, you may set existing fields to nil."

However, in the following example during the traversal all elements are set
to nil. This is allowed by the manual but it throws an error if the
collectgarbage call isn't commented out.

function LoopAndEmpty(t)
     for k, v in pairs(t) do
         t[k] = nil
         coroutine.yield(k, v)

local c = coroutine.create(LoopAndEmpty)
local t = {}
t["no" .. "ref1"] = 1
t["no" .. "ref2"] = 2
print(coroutine.resume(c, t))

The problem seems to be that the key "noref1" or "noref2" is white when the
table t is travered and then in traversestrongtable in the key is cleared. This
should not be the case since it could be marked later.
I guess you are right.

A curiosity: How did you realise that you had to use a coroutine in your
example? (I am still trying to produce the bug without coroutines, but
the key is always traversed before the table.)

The stack of the mainthread is traversed first. If the key is on this stack, it will be marked before any table is traversed through the gray stack. Therefore normal for in loops in the main thread will never see this behaviour.

I had an example without coroutines too, but it doesn't use a pairs loop. Instead it used a custom iterator and a table holding the key to delay the visit of the key.

local state = {k = nil}

local iterator = function(t)
    local k, v = next(t, state.k)
    state.k = k
    if k ~= nil then
        t[k] = nil
    return v

local t = {}
t["no" .. "ref1"] = 1
t["no" .. "ref2"] = 2

for v in iterator, t do

However, I didn't like this contrived example so I searched for other ways to delay the traversel of the stack. Since coroutines also have a stack they can be used to delay the marking of the key.
