Am 10.10.2020 um 08:51 schrieb Sean Conner:
It was thus said that the Great Ulrich Schmidt once stated:I can open the serial port via io.open() but this approach works in buffered mode and my short messages get stuck in the transmit buffer.Two possible solutions: 1. use file:flush() after writing data to ensure the buffer is written. 2. use file:setvbuf('no') immediately after opening the serial port to avoid all buffering of data. -spc (And that's all the ideas I have)
Solution 2. worked so far as i can send short commands to my hardware. Thank You. For doing so, i had to open the file in write mode. Unfortunately i cant read this port. To read, i need to open the file in read mode but cant send anymore. Thats probably the reason Steve Donovan did a lot of magic behind the scene in his winapi module.