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There are more suggestions.

1. In function luaL_execresult (lauxlib.c), var  "what", can be reduced scope.
2. In function pusherror (loadlib.c), var "error", shadows function error.
3. In function l_str2d (lobject.c), is possible avoid call strlen,
    if we reverse the test and pdot is equal to NULL.
4. In function checkoption (loslib.c) the correct type for pointer operations is
   ptrdiff_t or size_t.

Ranier Vilela

Attachment: reduce_scope_var_what_lauxlib.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: avoid_shadow_function_error_loadlib.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: avoid_strlen_lobject.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: use_correct_type_with_pointer_operations_loslib.patch
Description: Binary data