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Thank you for your clarification and guidance.

>Lua 5.4 has removed this restriction of "no fail when shrinking".
Why is there such a restriction for the older version?
Could you please explain that in more detail?

>Actually, the test suite in Lua has a mode that forces every
> single reallocation (growing, shrinking, or to the same size!) to move
> the block.
What are the purposes for providing this mode(i.e.
forcing every single reallocation to move the block)? For security?
When should I use this mode?

Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Best Regards.

On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 10:36 PM Roberto Ierusalimschy
<> wrote:
> > I think Lua relies on the behaviour that the realloc-like function
> > does not return a different pointer (copy) for shrinking an existing
> > block. Maybe that could be a problem for some allocators.
> Lua does not rely on that. The only assumption was that shrinking
> an existing block could not fail, but it can move the block without
> problems. Actually, the test suite in Lua has a mode that forces every
> single reallocation (growing, shrinking, or to the same size!) to move
> the block.
> Lua 5.4 has removed this restriction of "no fail when shrinking".
> -- Roberto