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On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 12:13 PM Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <> wrote:
The GitHub repository is a mirror development repository, not a
distribution repository.

Out of curiosity, why is that? Virtually every open source project I've seen except Lua does their development in the same directory tree/repository that they build and distribute from.

Why is Lua different in that regard? Are there certain benefits to it (and if so, what are they)? Or is it solely a case of "this is how we've always done it"?

Also, how do you assemble the distribution tarballs? By hand or with a script? If with a script, is that script available, or would you mind releasing it? I have some ideas that might involve automated assembly of Lua "distribution" trees from the development repositories. I could probably write my own script, but it's likely easier to use yours if you have one.