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On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 11:41:18 +0200, Philippe Verdy <>

> You could also use a convention that will pass a Lua script you
> compose: The script will "require()" the Lua script that will return
> a Lua "function()" to be called with the parameters you want to pass.
> Basically you build this string in C:
> 'require('..script name..')('..parameters..')'
> Then run this script from the Lua instance you create in C.

Thanks for tip, maybe I'll try it some day. For now, Sean's
recommendation works quite well for me and my problem with incorrect
value is solved.

Slightly OT, shameless advert:

If anybody here is using Claws Mail and would like to try some Lua
scripting, please let me know. My Lua plugin is still in early stage of
development, but I have working framework which can be extended with
more functionality.
