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On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 1:21 AM William Ahern <> wrote:
On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 12:19:39PM -0500, Coda Highland wrote:
> As was implied, the description of a virtual platform model is exactly what
> Java set out to do. Java can and does have the ability to run on dirt-cheap
> processors that consume very little power. That was, in fact, one of Java's
> design goals, and if your cell phone has a SIM card in it then you're using
> Java in exactly that context. It's not the language itself that's the
> problem.

The design of Java and the JVM architecture is problematic. Most well-known
is the lack of value types.

Sure, we don't need to argue that point. I did say I don't like Java and I'm well aware of its flaws. But that was still Java's design intent even if it didn't turn out well in practice.

Maybe I missed something, but I don't quite see how the rest is relevant. When were we ever talking about stack-based VM designs? The only comment I see was talking about a virtual platform model without making any claims about its design.

/s/ Adam