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On 13/05/2020 00:47, William Ahern wrote:
On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 08:50:03AM -0700, Andrea wrote:


variables. Lua is a functional languge that permits OOP with some syntactic
sugar and metatable semantics. In modern functional languages closures are

Not to be a nitpicker (and I'm not arguing against what you say in the rest of your post), but calling Lua a functional language seems a bit too strong to me.

I completely agree that functional features (especially closures) are quite a fundamental part of Lua, but so are more imperative features.

Lua code can be written in a pure imperative style, without using functional features and heavily relying on side effects, and it doesn't seem unnatural or harder.

At the same time, I agree that (with proper conditions, i.e. function definitions, and practice) you /can/ write Lua code that looks mostly functional and doesn't feel alien.

The fact is, IMO, Lua cannot be framed in either category, since it supports both paradigms (with a slight imperative flavour, out-of-the-box) with ease. And that is one of its selling point.


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