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On 21/01/2020 01:17, Coda Highland wrote:
> Sorry, my phrasing was awkward. I meant to say that this was an
> incompatible change, because the minor version number changed. However,
> it wasn't a substantial change to the overall design of the language,
> which has been fairly stable since 5.0; most 5.1 code will still run on
> 5.4 unmodified. (Of course, there will be code that breaks, but it's a
> minority proportional to the sum total of all Lua code.)

Isn't the issue here that there are two forms of compatibility being
talked about? 'Script language' and 'library API'.

For comparison, C and C++ compilers don't tend to talk about the
language spec in their version numbers.

On the other hand, the Lua method of <lang>.<api>.<bugfix> makes sense,
if you're aware of it (you're unlikely to see the language change
without also changing the API). But I can see package maintainers being
